24. juli 2008

Cosmic in Arizona.

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books and more - Do, 24. Jul, 14:14

'Traktat von der Verlebendigung des Sandes', zu maurischen Weisen vorgetragen. Sehenswert, mit melancholischen Untertönen!

g a g a - Do, 24. Jul, 15:31

"As the Moon moves into Scorpio (...) Scorpio is associated with extremes of experience: sex, death, orgasm, surgery, procreation, menstruation, taxation - anything that holds great transformative potency and gravity. People ruled by this sign are often difficult to read. They are ever mysterious, secretive, rather silent, tend to have an air of intensity and smoldering sexuality about them. Scorpios are typically rather serious, and they make it quite plain that they do not suffer fools gladly. When crossed, these people may not always react at first. Rather, they will take away the most salient points of a situation, and brood for a while, carefully considering their reactions, and calculating the most definite and effective form of retaliation. Scorpios are famous for holding historic grudges - they may still be stewing over an insult they received back in the sixth grade, picking apart how the injury has affected the subsequent thirty years of their lives, isolating similar incidents, comparing, assessing and probing further and deeper. Scorpios like to know the very rock bottom facts of any situation. Whereas there are many folks who are content to simply have some convenient answers, some fancy statistics or impressive arguments to settle a matter, this is not true for Scorpios. Scorpios will search and hunt, poke and dissect, question and seek until the ends of the earth if need be. The quest after a mystery and a the endless hunt are deeply motivating and satisfying endeavors for Scorpios.

In terms of personal relationships, this characteristic can prove to be quite unsettling for anyone involved with a Scorpio. They simply do not look at relationships like other people do. They will probe you, test you, watch you squirm and note your reactions in many different situations. This may all be termed "calculating", but it's really not. They just so deeply appreciate the beauty of human emotion and the possible span of emotional reactions, and any honest, heart-felt frailty and vulnerability that you are capable of expressing will only increase your value in their hearts. Don't try playing flirty little games with a Scorpio - these people, when engaged, are very serious and you may get badly burned if you try to flit in and out of their lives. They cannot be bothered with frivolity, and would rather remain alone than have to deal with a person who is inconstant, lacking in honesty, or simply out for a good time (unless, of course, the Scorpio is feeling rather mercenary in seeking to satisfy their, ahem, appetites). Scorpios are known for their incredible jealousy, limitless capacity for passionate interaction and tenacious holding power. As people who revel in heady experiences, if you are of a more light-hearted, easy-come-easy-go attitude, you'd likely best steer clear of the Scorpios until you are ready for a life-altering experience.

Given the incredible intensity and tenacity of the Scorpio, we find these people peppered througout society, working in fields as diverse as medicine, finance and art. Some of the most tremendous dancers and artists are found under this sign, as their self-expression takes on dimensions that clearly indicate that they are attuned to something much deeper and older than themselves. They offer themselves as channels for this transcendence, and their artwork shows as a testament to the forces which flow within them. As doctors, lawyers and financiers, you have people who will stop at nothing to find out the "final" answer to any question, and will keep digging until the problem has been solved. They will research and probe, look and question until they are satisfied that they can go no further. Perhaps not always having the best bed-side manner (unless coming with a strong dose of Libra), these are usually people to be trusted with matters of utmost seriousness (assuming they have matured sufficiently).

One of my favourite images associated with Scorpio is that this sign is symbolized by both the scorpion and the eagle. The scorpion is a predatory, aggressive and highly dangerous earth-crawling creature, capable of invoking dread and fear. At the other end of the spectrum, we have the eagle, associated with achieving the very heights of perspective and spiritual understanding. The eagle reminds us of the life of the soul, the ever-moving upward spiral, and the rarified regions of experience that may be attained if we allow our spirit to rise up above the dross of earthly existence. This dual imagery is best reflected in the fact that until they've encountered the wisdom that life imbibes to us all eventually, and they've gone through the polishing effects of experience and maturity, most Scorpios are a bit too much to handle, for most people. An unevolved Scorpio can be the most debauched, treacherous, vindictive and downright nasty creature you can find. But, once they've been forged in the fire of hardship, and they've suffered the pain of loss at their own hand, the spirit of the eagle begins to show, and they will lift themselves out of their death-dealing, earth-crawling ways, seeking refinement and purity in the higher reaches of human experience. A mature Scorpio can be one of the wisest, most sensitive and truly compassionate beings you will come across, for they have the power of real knowledge behind them. If they've reached out and grabbed life with all their might in their youth, they've witnessed the extremes and finally, exhausted, beaten and humbled, they consciously seek out the middle path and there, find some peace and the capacity to share what they know with others."
books and more - Do, 24. Jul, 16:40

Eine Besonderheit der Bildungslandschaft von Arizona sind die Wander- oder Sturzdünen, unter denen schon mancher Student des Lebens verschwunden ist. Vor allem vor den Astrologieregalen der großen Bibliotheken braucht man nur das falsche Buch herauszuziehen - Sandrutsch! Das letzte, was man wahrnimmt, bevor sich die Löcher füllen, ist ein großes sandgelbes Rauschen von Vokabeln ... wenn man Pech hat, beißt einen sogar noch ein Sandskorpion. Aber den warmen Boden von Arizona zu berühren ist jedes Risiko wert, nicht wahr?

*jetzt mal das Englischwörterbuch suchen gehend ...*
g a g a - Do, 24. Jul, 16:58

Da Sie als gepanzertes und scherenbewehrtes Krabbeltier naturgemäß vermutlich auch mit dieser Spezies Kontakt pflegen, ist eine Vertiefung Ihrer Studien unbedingt angezeigt. Ich studiere dieses Zeichen seit nunmehr fünfundzwanzig Jahren und bin für praktische Anschauungsbeispiele (um das bislang erworbene Wissen zu festigen), verbunden mit Exkursionen in der freien Natur (Frischluft! Bewegung!), immer wieder dankbar. So bereitet Studium und Wissenschaft Freude!

Scorpios like to know the very rock bottom facts of any situation.
fressack - Do, 24. Jul, 14:35

Aber etwas sitzt quer.

g a g a - Do, 24. Jul, 15:31

Der Nabel der Welt
Frau Klugscheisser - Sa, 26. Jul, 20:51

Wann ist mit eurer Rückkehr aus Arizona zu rechnen?

g a g a - Di, 29. Jul, 01:39

Man braucht doch eine Weile, um zurückzukehren.
Arizona ist im Kopf und nicht um die Ecke.

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