19. August 2010

»(...) An einem Tag im Spätsommer zogen wir uns unsere Lieblingssachen an (...) Wir fuhren mit der U-Bahn zur West Fourth Street und verbrachten den Nachmittag am Washington Square. Wir teilten uns Kaffee aus einer Thermoskanne und beobachteten die Ströme von Touristen, Kiffern und Folksängern. Glühende Revolutionäre verteilten Flugblätter gegen den Krieg. Schachspieler zogen ihr eigenes Publikum an. Es war ein friedliches Nebeneinander, gebettet auf einen Klangteppich aus Tiraden, Bongos und Hundegebell. Wir gingen gerade auf den Springbrunnen zu, das Epizentrum aller Aktivität, als ein älteres Paar stehen blieb und uns unverholen angaffte. Robert freute sich, dass er Aufmerksamkeit erregte, und drückte liebevoll meine Hand.

"Oh, take their picture," said a woman to her husband, eyeing the young couple. "I think they're artists. They might be somebody someday." Her husband shrugged. "They're just kids."«

Patti Smith, Just Kids, S. 62, dt. Übers. Clara Drechsler u. Harald Hellmann

I was a wing
in heaven blue
soared over the ocean
soared over Spain
and I was free
I needed nobody
it was beautiful
it was beautiful

I was a pawn
didn't make a move
didn't have nowhere
that I could go
but I was free
I needed nobody
it was beautiful
it was beautiful

and if there's one thing
could do for you
you'd be a wing
in heaven blue

I was a vision
in another eye
and they saw nothing
no future at all
yet I was free
I needed nobody
it was beautiful
it was beautiful

and if there's one thing
could do for you
you'd be a wing
in heaven blue

and if there's one thing
could do for you
you'd be a wing
in heaven blue

and if there's one thing
could do for you
you'd be a wing
in heaven blue

Patti Smith


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